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Statutory Information

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Wymondley JMI School is committed to safeguarding the children in their care. Staff will not tolerate any form of abuse towards themselves or a child. Should you have any concerns relating to the safety of a child or the safe conduct of any member of staff please speak to the school's Designated Senior Person.

Mrs Chadwick - Designated Senior Leader for Child Protection
Mrs Holmes and Miss Smythe - Deputy Designated Senior Leaders for Child Protection

If your concern relates to the Headteacher please contact the Chair of Governors: Meghan Brown or Tom Watts.

General Data Protection Regulation

Data Protection - Subject Access Requests

The school office may be closed outside of term time. Any requests made during holidays may not be completed by our staff until the school reopens. This includes Subject Access Requests (SAR) under GDPR and Freedom of Information Requests. Due to the complexities of replying to such requests during the school holidays, we may need up to 3 months, although we will endeavour to complete it more quickly, and usually within the standard 30 days once we are satisfied with your identity and the school is open. If we need longer than this during term time, we will inform you. See for clarification of this information.  The FOI Officer is Ally Chadwick (Headteacher).


For parents/carers of prospective Reception pupils, we hold open mornings in the Autumn term. If you would like to book a place on a tour, please contact the school office on 01438 354583.

For in year admissions, please contact the school to arrange a private tour.

All our school admissions are managed by Hertfordshire County Council and applications can be made on their website at

Photographs and Display Work at Wymondley JMI School

Occasionally, we take photographs of the children at our school. We may use these images in our online school prospectus or in other printed publications that we produce, in displays, as well as on our website, blogs, Google Classroom, Tapestry and social media feeds. We may also make video or webcam recordings for school-to-school conferences, monitoring or other educational use.

We also send images to the news media, or our school may be visited by the media who will take their own photographs or film footage (for example, of a visiting dignitary or other high profile event). Pupils will often appear in these images. The news media may use the images in printed publications (including local or national newspapers), on televised news programmes or on their website. They then store them in their archive. They may also syndicate the photos to other media for possible use, either in printed publications, on websites, or both. When we submit photographs and information to the media, we have no control on when, where, if or how they will be used.

To comply with GDPR, we need your permission before we can photograph or make any recordings of your child and to display work which includes their name.

Conditions of use:

  • This permission is valid for the period of time your child attends this school. In some instances images may remain after children have left our school. Please write to the school if you wish to withdraw consent at any time.
  • The images we take will be of activities that show the school and children in a positive light.
  • Embarrassing or distressing images will not be used. The images will not be associated with negative or sensitive issues.
  • We may use group or class photographs or footage with very general labels e.g. ‘science lesson’. Examples may include audio/video/images of your child which will be used to provide the best education possible as well as to share celebrations, eg. festive events.  
  • We will only use images of pupils who are suitably dressed.
  • We will make every effort to ensure that we do not allow images to be taken of any children for whom we do not have permission or who are ‘at risk’ or disallowed from having their photographs taken for legal or social reasons.We will take all reasonable measures to ensure the images are used solely for the purposes for which they are intended. However we cannot guarantee this and take no responsibility for the way images are used by other websites or publishers or for any consequences arising from publication.

Please note that websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom where UK law applies. In giving your consent you understand that images may be used in printed and electronic form.

To give your consent, please tick the appropriate box on the pupil personal details form.

Wymondley JMI School Home School Agreement

We the adults responsible for children at home and at school, want Wymondley JMI School to provide a safe, supportive and stimulating learning environment in which each child is treated as an individual and the needs of all are considered. We will encourage children to work hard, to behave appropriately and to take pride and pleasure in their own and others’ achievements. We look forward to working together on a basis of mutual respect to help our children become confident and enthusiastic learners.

Enjoyment and Achievement

The school will;

  • Inspire, in all pupils, a love of learning and the desire to continue to learn.
  • Provide a rich variety of learning experiences to ensure that all learners enjoy
    and achieve at school.
  • Equip all pupils with the tools and self-confidence necessary to constructively
    influence their own lives.
  • Keep parents informed of their child’s progress.
  • Meet the needs of individual children.

I will;

  • Read with my child at home.
  • Support and encourage my child to complete their homework.
  • Support my child’s learning at school by attending parents’ meetings.
  • Encourage and support my child in achieving the best they can.
  • I will support the school in inspiring a love of learning in my child.

Learning to make a positive contribution

The school will;

  • Give children opportunities to make positive contributions within school and beyond the school, for example through peer mentoring, ‘buddies’, school council, entertaining others with drama and music performances, representing the school in a sport, opportunities to take part in fundraising activities and caring for plants in the school grounds.
  • Help children to form positive relationships.
  • Help children to work effectively with others.

Parents/carers will;

  • Encourage their child to appreciate and respect the views and beliefs of others.
  • Make an effort to get involved with PTA meetings and events as well as family/community events at the school.
  • Support and encourage their child in making positive contributions within school.
  • Support their child in forming positive relationships with the people around them.

Preparing children for future success and working life

The school will;

  • Develop the skills that employers need such as English, Maths, creativity, leadership, teamwork, problem solving and the ability to work independently with an enterprising spirit.
  • Encourage learners to take on responsibilities within school, for example school council, leadership roles in school, fundraising opportunities, showing visitors around the school, gardening and litter collection.

Parents/carers will;

  • Ensure that their child’s attendance and punctuality is good.
  • Encourage and support their child to engage in wider responsibilities and opportunities in the school.
  • Support their child in developing the skills necessary for future success.
  • Encourage their child to persevere and work hard to achieve their goals.

Being Healthy

The school will;

  • Create an environment that encourages children to make healthy choices.
  • Provide high-quality physical activities and help children to see physical activity as part of a lifelong healthy lifestyle.
  • Teach children about diet and healthy living, sensible food choices, regular physical activity, developing drug awareness and learning about sexual health.
  • Take care of children’s social and mental wellbeing, giving children opportunities to express personal concerns and emotions.

Parents/carers will;

  • Provide their child with healthy food options.
  • Provide their child with lots of opportunities to be physically active.
  • Ensure that their child gets plenty of sleep and rest.
  • Take care of their child’s emotional wellbeing by regularly discussing their experiences at school.

Staying Safe

The school will;

  • Take measures to ensure that all learners are able to enjoy and achieve safely.
  • Help children to learn how to be safe in their life beyond the school gates, preparing them to understand risk, make sound choices, speak up for themselves and cope in real-life situations.
  • Help children to make responsible decisions, voice their opinions and resist unhelpful peer pressure.

Parents/carers will;

  • Keep their child safe.
  • Ensure the school has an up to date emergency contact number.
  • Ensure that their child is collected on time at the end of the school day.
  • Support the school in teaching their child to stay safe in their life beyond the
    school gates.
  • Support their child in using the computer and internet safely.

Wymondley School Policies

School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.