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Lunch & Milk

School Milk

Click here to request school milk or amend your order.

School Meals

School meals are provided by HCL and are available for all pupils. Provision is also made for children whose parents wish them to eat a packed lunch brought from home.  We do ask parents to follow the guidance regarding healthy packed lunches in the guidance below.

School meals are priced at £3.30 per day and must be paid for in advance via Arbor. Those parents who feel they may be eligible for free school meals due to financial circumstances should make application on-line. Please click here to apply. All children in Reception class, Year 1 and  Year 2 have automatic entitlement to universal free school meals.

Morning Snacks

Children in KS1 have a snack during the morning break provided by the school. This consists of seasonal fruit or vegetables, e.g. an apple, satsuma, carrot.

For KS2 children, we encourage parents/carers to provide a healthy snack such as a piece of fruit.

Packed Lunch Guidance

Suggestions for food to include in a healthy packed lunch:

  • At least one portion of fruit or vegetables every day.
  • Meat, fish or other source of non-dairy protein (e.g. lentils, beans, soya or hummus), every day (usually as part of a sandwich, roll or salad).
  • Oily fish, such as pilchards, salmon or tuna occasionally.
  • A starchy food such as bread, pasta, rice, noodles, potatoes or other type of cereal every day.
  • Dairy food such as milk, cheese, yogurt, fromage frais or custard.
  • A drink: water is best followed by semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, fruit juice, drinking yoghurt, milk drinks or smoothies.
  • Cereal bars rather than cakes and biscuits.
  • Pretzels, seeds, fruit, crackers and cheese, and vegetable or bread sticks with a dip.

Suggestions for food to include less often in a healthy packed lunch:

  • Snacks such as crisps.
  • Chocolate coated biscuits or wafers.
  • Cakes
  • Meat and pastry products such as sausage rolls or pies

The following foods must not be included in a packed lunch (these are all foods we have already asked children not to bring to school).

  • Confectionery such as chocolate bars and sweets as these are mostly unhealthy.
  • Nut or nut products (although they can be very healthy) because of the danger to other children with allergies.
  • Fizzy drinks as these are mostly unhealthy and are likely to spill and spoil other food.

Special diets and allergies

  • The school also recognises that some pupils may require special diets that do not allow for the standards to be met exactly. In this case, parents are urged to be responsible for ensuring that packed lunches are as healthy as possible. For these reasons pupils are also not permitted to swap food items.