At Wymondley, we believe that music is an incredibly powerful form of communication that can shape the way we feel, think and act. Quality music teaching helps the body and the mind work together, and we believe that every child should have the opportunity to discover their musical potential. We aim to nurture and encourage musical development across the school and provide a wide range of opportunities for our pupils to engage in different forms of music and musical expression. Our vision is that all pupils receive a rich, high-quality musical curriculum that fosters a lifelong love of music.

All enrichment opportunities that we offer, like choir, ukulele club, Rock Steady and instrumental lessons, come from a solid foundation of class music teaching. It is popular and far reaching as a result, with 20% of our school community being choir members. First Access is well utilised with fully subsidised violin lessons for all year 3 children and subsidised opportunities to continue in Year 4, 5 and 6. Music at Wymondley plays a key part in building everyone's positive mental health with the active teaching of the emotion and feeling in each piece. Whole school music performances and celebrations, such as Proms in the Playground, give children further opportunity to develop their skill set and appreciation.
Outside of lesson times, pupils have access to individual, paired or small group lessons in brass, string or piano via peripatetic visiting teachers from the school’s partnership with the Hertfordshire Music Service. Fully funded tuition is available for parents or carers in particular circumstances (e.g. pupil premium eligibility) through the Hertfordshire Music Service. The school subsidises violin group lessons in Years 4-6 to support pupils to continue to play. Pupils use these lessons to work towards examinations for ABRSM grades.
The school has string and brass instruments to loan for free to pupils who are taking lessons. The school also has keyboards available to loan for free to pupils learning the piano or keyboard through the Music Service or Rocksteady. Ask at the school office if you would like to enquire about the loan of an instrument.
Rock Steady lessons are offered at Wymondley; pupils learn to play rock band instruments in a group, gaining skills which are recognised through the Rock Steady grading system. Rock Steady and the school fund a limited number of funded bursary places for children whose parents or carers in particular circumstances (e.g. pupil premium eligibility).
The school Choir (Years 2-6), Boomwhacker Club (Years R-6) and Ukulele Club (Years 1-6) are free of charge to attend for pupils from Years 1-6 and give children the opportunity to extend their musical learning and perform regularly to a wider range of audiences.
The school maintains a close link with Hitchin Band, who are a local brass band who use the school as a rehearsal venue for their community band. The Hitchin Youth Band regularly perform for pupils and encourage uptake of instruments through this community route; they offer brass tuition to new starters for £1 per week with instrument hire included.