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Rights Respecting Schools


Welcome to our Rights Respecting Schools webpage! We are proud to have been awarded the bronze Rights Respecting Schools award We are proud to have been awarded the:

Bronze - Rights Committed - Rights Committed is the first stage of the Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) and to find out more about the Bronze Award, please click here

What is a Rights Ranger and why do need them?

Well that's a good question. The Rights Rangers at Wymondley are here for many reasons, but this term we are really focused on making sure that everyone in our school community is aware of the growing problems that our planet is facing...


What you can do about this...

The good news is that we can all help and we can all start taking better care of our planet right now, today. We have been meeting together at school with Mrs Holmes each week (and sometimes more because we really want to make a difference!) and we have some fantastic ideas to really make a difference! Over the next few weeks we will be creating and putting up information posters all around the school and outside of the school to help all of you to make a difference . To get you all started though we want to share our assembly that we have just held to launch our Rights Respecting schools initiative and you can see that by clicking here. We hope you enjoy it and we hope you learn something from it as well.

Thanks everyone from all of the Rights Rangers!

A little more of what Wymondley being a UNICEF Rights Respecting

'Rights Aware' school means...

There are four key areas of impact for children at a Rights Respecting school; wellbeing, participation, relationships and self-esteem. The difference that a Rights Respecting School makes goes beyond the school gates, making a positive impact on the whole community.

Children are healthier and happier

By promoting the values of respect, dignity and non-discrimination, children’s self-esteem and wellbeing is boosted and they are less likely to suffer from stress. A child who understands their rights understands how they and others should be treated and their sense of self-worth is strengthened.

  • 97% of headteachers at Rights Respecting Schools said the award had improved children’s respect for themselves and each other
  • 93% of headteachers at Rights Respecting Schools said the award had helped children to embrace diversity and overcome prejudices
  • “We all know our rights and know that if our rights aren’t respected we can do something.” – Primary pupil at a Rights Respecting School

Children feel safe

The Rights Respecting Schools Award gives children a powerful language to use to express themselves and to challenge the way they are treated. They are also able to challenge injustices for other children. Children and young people are empowered to access information that enables them to make informed decisions about their learning, health and wellbeing.

  • 76% of headteachers at Rights Respecting Schools say the award has helped to reduce bulling and exclusions
  • In some cases children have been able to use the language of rights to tell teachers they do not feel safe at home or in their community, whether that’s because of violence, abuse or neglect
  • “Learning about rights has made them [children] more confident about speaking out. They are more confident and articulate.” – Parent of a pupil at an Rights Respecting School
  • “Teachers empower us and give us confidence.” – Secondary pupil at a Rights Respecting School

Children have better relationships

Both with their teachers and their peers, based on mutual respect and the value of everyone’s opinion. In a Rights Respecting school children are treated as equals by their fellow pupils and by the adults in the school.  Children and young people are involved in how the Award is implement in the school but are also involved in strategic decision-making; in decisions about their learning; and in views about their well-being.

  • 98% of headteachers at Rights Respecting Schools said the Award had improved relationships and behaviour
  • “Our views are taken very seriously. Our opinion matters because we are the pupils, we know what it is like in the school and their (adults) perspective is different from ours.” – Primary pupil from a Rights Respecting School

Children become active and involved in school life and the wider world

This builds their confidence to make informed decisions. They have a moral framework, based on equality and respect for all that lasts a lifetime, as they grow into engaged, responsible members of society. Children and adults develop an ethos and language of rights and respect around the school. Rights and principles of the Convention are used to put moral situations into perspective and consider rights-respecting solutions – this all has a huge impact on relationships and well-being. Children and young people get very involved in raising awareness about social justice issues, both at home and abroad. They become ambassadors for rights and take part in campaigns and activities to help to bring about change. 

  • 93% of headteachers at Rights Respecting Schools said the award contributed to children and young people being more engaged in their learning.
  • RRSA has changed the way I teach, I have the rights in my head when I do planning but also when working pastorally. When there is a problem I say ‘you have the right to be heard and I will listen to you.” –  Teacher from a Rights Respecting School
  • “It has opened up a dialogue between teachers and pupils; you are empowered and encouraged to debate with teachers.” – Secondary pupil
  • “It’s made me very aware of my surroundings. We do loads of things that make everyone else aware too, like sending red hands [letters] to Members of Parliament.” – Primary pupil from a Rights Respecting School