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'From the moment you enter the school the welcome, warmth, energy and sense of belonging is palpable. A pupil explained the school was, “fun and full of friends”, and explained that “everyone is made to feel welcome”. The school environment, inside and out, has been created with great care and the displays and resources show this is a school that values and respects everyone.'

'Pupils have a clear understanding of how to look after their physical and their mental health. A pupil explained that mental health was, “...about our brains. How we feel.” Pupils could articulate how they would boost their mood if they felt low and ideas included, drama, music, being with the dog, making something, being active and reading. If pupils have a worry, there are many ways in which they can share their concerns and if needed talk with an adult.'

'The knowledge and passion of the mental health lead is to be celebrated. The mental health lead, along with the senior leadership team, have worked strategically to effect a cultural change to focus on a positive approach to mental health and wellbeing.'

'The wellbeing provision in the school is exemplary and sharing their good practice is recommended.'

Hertfordshire Commissioned School Visit - November 2022

We Belong at Wymondley JMI!

Positive Mental Health

We firmly believe here at Wymondley that is very important to ensure that we do all that we can to ensure that everybody has positive mental health. 

Celebrating Body Positivity